Capital Campaign Brochure Focuses on Intersecting Lives

To raise money for renovation and expansion at the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, we used a storytelling approach around the theme of Intersecting Lives. We designed the brochure around three stories with panels that open to reveal people whose lives intersect at the JCC. The brochure describes the specific improvements to the building as well as new additions planned, framed around supporting the Jewish community and putting Jewish values into action. A spread features quotes about how people will benefit from the capital improvements. The hand-drawn style of the people and felt textured stock lend a personal touch, while a pocket contains inserts describing the various giving opportunities.

SJJCC Strands of Community
SJJCC Community Needs
SJJCC Journey Toward Well-being
SJJCC Journey Toward Well-being Open
SJJCC Where All Needs Are Met
SJJCC Enhancing Building
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